The Commonwealth Government has advised the national roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine will commence from next week.

A consent form must be completed for each resident and signed prior to administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.

A copy of the Consent form for COVID-19 Vaccination is available if you click the link below.

COVID-19 vaccination – Consent form | Australian Government Department of Health

Limited copies will be available at our facilities for you to complete when visiting.

We are yet to receive a confirmation date of the proposed vaccination at CAC Homes however we expect it could be as early as the next few weeks; once advised we will issue an update with details of the vaccination date and time.

It is highly likely that the vaccination at the facility will be offered on one day only. After that vaccination will require you to attend a local vaccination hub which I expect will be difficult and you may be waiting a long time.

Please complete the form as soon as possible and email to or return directly to the facility administration (reception).