COVID-19 Important Vaccine Updates

COVID-19 Vaccine Information (NSW ONLY)
April 27, 2021


I am pleased to advise that the COVID-19 Vaccination program across our Homes is going well. Two of our Homes have had both vaccination rounds and provided the schedule is followed, all other Homes will be completed in the coming weeks. Our staff have worked hard to ensure vaccination clinics have run smoothly and have supported residents through the decision-making process and on the vaccination day.

For your information please find a fact sheet from the NSW Department of Health on the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout for Aged Care Residents and Families linked here.


We will commence the 2021 Flu Vaccination Program once the COVID-19 Vaccinations have been completed. It is a requirement to wait a minimum of two weeks after the final COVID-19 vaccination before having the influenza vaccination. You will be provided with details regarding this in the coming weeks.

The Department of Health have informed us that they believe the flu season this year will be especially bad. Both the Queensland and South Australian Government have made the 2021 Flu Vaccination mandatory for all staff and visitors at Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFS). It is anticipated that NSW will follow suit with this requirement.


Following updated advice from NSW Health, visitors should not enter RACFS if they have been to Perth or the Peel region in Western Australia since 17 April 2021


While NSW presently has zero cases of community transmission, NSW Health Guidelines for Infection Control still require all visitors entering a RACF to register and complete a health screening and follow standard infection prevention measures. Social distancing must be adhered to whilst in the facility. All these measures support the health and wellbeing of our residents.

Visitors are still required to make a prior booking. This ensures we can complete the necessary registration and health checks. Bookings can only be made directly with Reception staff, Monday to Friday 8.30 am – 4.00 pm.

Visiting hours as per below:
COVID Schedules

As always, thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind regards,

Bruce Thornthwaite
Chief Clinical Officer